sozmap_Musterbeispiel_sample_Premier exemple_Primo esempio

  • available
  • yes
  • ISO
topic family, job, free time, school
requirements health, finance, living
pets permitted
smoking smoking areas
Facilities and equipment self-care, private bathroom, WLAN, garden, leisure / fitness room, laundry service, media library, full catering, creative space, furnished rooms
total number of rooms 6 - 10
Staff speaks the following languages Portuguese , Aided communication , German, Italian, Sign language , french, Spanish , English
care times individual
Possibilities for persons with care needs No
general description

Hier beschreiben Sie Ihre Organisation.
Welche Adressaten und Adressatinnen sprechen Sie an? Was ist für die Aufnahme zu beachten? Wie läuft die Aufnahme in Ihrer Organisation ab?
Wofür steht Ihre Organisation? Welche Dienstleistungen bieten Sie an? Nach welchem Leitbild und Methoden wird gearbeitet?

Here you describe your organisation.
Which people do you address? What must be considered for entry? What is the procedure for admission in your organisation?
What does your organisation stand for? What services do you offer? According to which mission statement and methods do you work?

Ici, vous décrivez votre organisation.
À qui vous adressez-vous ? Que dois-je savoir pour entrer ? Quel est le processus d'admission de votre organisation ?
Que représente votre organisation ? Quels sont les services que vous proposez ? Quelle est votre mission et quelles sont vos méthodes de travail ?

Qui descrivi la tua organizzazione.
A quali persone si rivolge? Cosa devo sapere per entrare? Qual è il processo di assunzione della vostra organizzazione?
Cosa rappresenta la vostra organizzazione? Quali servizi offrite? Con quale missione e con quali metodi lavorate?


funding projects
Description funding projects

Hier beschreiben Sie Ihr aktuell laufendes Spendenprojekt wie beispielsweise ein Schullager, Finanzierung neuer Einrichtungsgegenstände oder Gebäude, Finanzierung von Therapiestunden, Aufbau neuer Projekte.

Here you describe your current fundraising project, such as a school camp, funding for new furnishings or buildings, funding for therapy sessions, building new projects.

Vous décrivez ici votre projet actuel de collecte de fonds, tel qu'un camp scolaire, le financement de nouveaux meubles ou bâtiments, le financement de séances de thérapie, la mise en place de nouveaux projets.

Qui descrivi il tuo attuale progetto di raccolta fondi, come un campo scuola, il finanziamento di nuovi arredi o edifici, il finanziamento di sessioni di terapia, la creazione di nuovi progetti.


recording contact
Manuela Oehri
sozmap_Musterbeispiel_sample_Premier exemple_Primo esempio
Schönbühl 60
9492 Eschen
T +41 78 875 25 52

